Intestinal accelerator drink recipe

You can easily prepare the intestinal accelerator drink recipe by taking advantage of the healing properties of natural foods. We recommend you drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast or lunch. In this way, it will be beneficial for the digestive and excretory systems.

In the intestinal accelerator drink recipe, we use turmeric powder, water at room temperature and the juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon. As you can see, it is made with natural foods that are extremely easy to find. Regular use is required for 7 days to see full benefit. Especially, it will start to show its full effect after the first three days.


  • 1 glass of water at room temperature
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon powdered turmeric

Preparation of,

  1. Mix all the ingredients in the glass.
  2. Drink on an empty stomach before breakfast or lunch.

The intestinal accelerator drink recipe is also an excellent edema cleanser. It will also be useful for you to lose weight. Of course, since the primary goal is to go to the toilet easily, do not forget to drink 3 liters of water every day.

You can use this drink as a 7-day cure once a month. Also, be sure to include foods such as kefir, yoghurt, ginger and pumpkin, which are beneficial for intestinal health, in your daily diet. Taking a 10-minute walk at home or outside after each meal stimulates the intestines and helps them work better.

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