If you want to save money and get rid of your debts, we offer 6 useful suggestions to help you. “ high heels” as editors, we really tried saving money We share their ways with you, our valued readers. So let’s start!
Identify sources of spending money!
Where do you spend the most money? Approach this situation realistically. If you drink coffee from outside every day, this means an average of 50 lira per week and 200 lira per month. Of course, you can grab a coffee every now and then to reward yourself. However, if your goal is to save money, make your own coffee or tea at home. You can buy a box of coffee for 10 liras and save 200 liras throughout the month.
Know that the best food is at home!
We are humans, we need to eat. drumstick save money If we want to, we need to organize the cost of food. Rest assured, even the cheapest meal you eat out is more expensive than the meal you make at home. We’re not talking about eating cake every day. Even cooking meat at home is more affordable than outside. Accept this and try to eat every meal at home to save money.
Instead of waiting to order food, make it yourself!
Previously, we would order food online and wait at least 45 minutes for it to arrive because we were so tired and busy. Of course, there are times when we order extra food to fill the package amount. Eventually, we would run out of money before the end of the month and find that we spent the most on food orders.
We realized that making food ourselves, instead of ordering it and waiting at home, is both quick and economical. Try this way too. Instead of paying 30 liras for the simplest meal, buy 30 liras worth of grocery shopping and cook enough food for days.
Switch to the most convenient phone plan!
We have become unable to live without phones and internet. In the past, there was a telephone in a house and it met everyone’s needs. But now, everyone in the house has a phone. This means 4 different bills for a family of 4… First of all, you can turn off some phone lines if they are not really needed. In your recipe, you can choose the one that suits you best. For example, some GSM companies have campaigns. It provides free valet service throughout the month to those who purchase a certain tariff.If you need parking, you can take advantage of this and save a lot of money.
Get yourself a piggy bank now!
Do you remember your childhood? Our family gives us savings and ways to save money He would buy a piggy bank to teach. Now you can do this! Never underestimate the money you will save. Get yourself a piggy bank. Put money like 2 lira, 30 lira, 5 lira into the piggy bank every day. If you organize your coffee, tea and food expenses as we mentioned above, you will already have serious money to save.
Try to pay your debts on time!
Try to pay your debts such as taxes, bills, credit cards and promissory notes on time. Because you definitely have to pay them. If there is a delay, you will pay unnecessary interest and your debt will increase even more. As soon as you have money, pay off your debt. We suggested buying a piggy bank as a way to save money. You can save money in your piggy bank until the debt payment date comes and get rid of debts without stress.
We have suggestions for saving and saving money!
As “High Heels” editors, we believe in this saying: “He who manages his money manages his life!” That’s why we think about saving money, spending correctly and saving money.
You can make a lot of money with these methods!
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