Care tips for dyed hair

Dyed hair is more sensitive and fragile because it has been processed. Therefore, they require more care and maintenance. If you do not maintain them regularly, their colors fade, become dull and look unhealthy. We offer you useful suggestions to prevent this situation. You can have healthy, shining hair by reading the care recommendations for dyed hair.

Do not wash your hair frequently!

Reduce the frequency of washing your hair to preserve its color. 2 or 3 times a week is sufficient for dyed hair. If this number seems low to you and your hair gets oily very quickly, you can use dry shampoos. Dry shampoo absorbs the oil in the hair and makes your hair look cleaner.

Do not wash immediately after dyeing!

After dyeing your hair, wash it at least 48 hours later. In this way, the color of the dye fits your hair well. Sometimes, if you just want to wash your body, you can wear a cap or bun your hair to protect it. Sometimes you can apply conditioner directly without shampooing. Thus, your hair remains soft and moisturized.

Shampoo and conditioner for dyed hair

When choosing shampoo and conditioner, choose products with the same properties. This way you increase its effect. For example, if it is a color-protective shampoo, the conditioner should also be color-protective. The quality of the shampoo is also very important. By using a good shampoo, you protect your hair color for a long time and support the health of your hair. Since sulfate shampoos contain salt, they cause color and moisture loss. Instead of sulfate shampoos, choose sulfate-free ones.

Do not wash with very hot water!

Very hot water damages the hair strands and lightens the color of the hair. Therefore, be careful to wash your hair with warm or cold water.

Be more careful with red hair!

Red hair dyes flow faster from the hair. That’s why you have to have it painted frequently. This causes your hair to become damaged. natural care oilsBy massaging your scalp with, you can preserve the moisture of your hair and achieve a brighter appearance.

Do natural care at home for dyed hair!

Be sure to take care of your hair regularly after dyeing it. Natural treatments and masks you make at home support the health of your hair. Apply hair care oil to your hair and wrap it with a heated towel. Thanks to this care, you lock moisture in your hair. You can then wash your hair with cold water.

Protect your hair from heat!

Apply heat protective care creams to your hair before using heat products such as blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons. These conditioners prevent high heat from damaging your hair. If your hair is very wet, avoid heating products. Otherwise, your hair will break and become damaged very quickly. You can use it after moistening it with a towel.

Don’t pack it too tightly!

Avoid tying your hair too tightly. In this case, the hair becomes airless and hair loss increases.

Watch out for allergic reactions!

If your scalp has an allergic reaction to the dye, you may experience dandruff after dyeing. Therefore, you should use dandruff shampoo for the first two shampooings after dyeing.

Get vitamin support for dyed hair!

Biotin and vitamin C It nourishes hair follicles and supports blood circulation. Biotin, or B vitamin, found in salmon, carrots, egg yolk and sardines, strengthens weak hair. So, you can take vitamin supplements to prevent hair loss.

Eat healthy!

Foods rich in iron strengthen hair, improve its texture and accelerate its growth. You should frequently include lean meat, fish, low-fat cheeses, egg whites, spinach and soy in your diet. Fruits and vegetables, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and grains are also foods you should consume for healthy hair.

Extra care for dyed hair in summer!

In summer, hair wears out faster. To prevent this, use hair care products with SPF that will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. You can also use chlorine-protective hair care sprays when entering the pool. Because chlorine spoils dyed hair very quickly.

Get rid of split ends!

Get the split ends in your hair removed frequently. Split ends cause weight and a neglected appearance in the hair. Some hair care products also repair hair that is broken, damaged, lacking volume and in need of moisture. It prevents possible damage to the hair and thickens the ends of the hair.

You have read the care recommendations for dyed hair. Instead of dyeing your hair frequently, make sure to dye your hair every 6 weeks. Also avoid chemical treatments other than paint. Read our other articles about hair care:

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